Friday, October 15, 2010



I did my morning walk at the zoo yesterday, about three miles with a half mile up in a relatively steep hill.  This half mile trail is under advertised, so that the sheepeople are not following each other through the dell.  I like that because it gives me photo ops and time to think (always a bad thing) without other noisy people being thrust into my empty little head of mush.  Yep, I'm still learning.

I did get to make some images of one of the local brown bears living at the zoo.  Normally this guy is lying on his back, on a rock, scratching his belly.  Not so outdoorsman like photos there.  Outdoor and nature photographers for the most part frown upon zoo shots and rightly so.  They are not normal.  The beasties are all basically bored.  If you think about it, a brown bear can travel hundreds of miles a week over a wide variety of terrain.  Sorta like us when we take a road trip.  Only they are out looking for dinner or somebody to love (an old song that "somebody to love").  So when their are all penned up for the rest of their lives, they are just simply bored.  At least he was looking in the camera's direction when I pulled the plunger on the camera.

OK, now for my once every so often rant!  Been a while and I know you all enjoy them so much, so I try to keep them to a minimum because they are so much fun.  Sorta like the icing on the cake.

November 2 will witness, I say witness, I say "Amen", the single, most historic, most critical, most important thing you will have the privilege to do in your present and future life time!  VOTE!!!!!!

Dems, Repubes, Indies, T-partiers remember don't get to complain if you don't VOTE!

It starts with the dog catcher and goes up from there.  Vote for people who address the issues at hand and kick out the mud slingers, equivocators, liars, prevaricators, power seekers, and inside the belt wayers.

Remember if it's inside the belt (way) there is only one person getting screwed.    I mean that's where it all starts, inside the belt (way).  They won't listen to us, lie to their constituents, and go back to the belly of the beast and do only that which empowers them and to hell with "We the People"

Just Vote....................It's important.

And if you get to the fork in the road, I say if.....Just take it!

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