Wednesday, November 7, 2012

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Let the National hangover begin!
On top of the list is congratulations to the president and his loyal followers.  You have signed up for the following tasks in my opinion.  Tasks for which I will personally hold you liable.
This is what you have accomplished in the first four years.  Fear on the part of business, and unclear policies under which business operates.  High unemployment with not clear plan.  No National budget.  Higher taxes.  Disregard for the well being of those in the service of this country.  A crippling health care bill that is a threat to all but especially to seniors.  No plan for what to do about the national debt, medicare, or social security issues.  And on and on!
Therefore I task you with.... 
1.  Get unemployment down to manageable levels that give people "Real" hope and not just some slimy political slogan.
2.  Reorganize  "All" Government regulations that impact business.  Eliminate all that hinder the        expansion of the Capitalist ideals that have made this country successful. You haven't created those successes, you hinder them. 
2.  Get to the bottom of what really happened at Benghazi.  Review and strengthen the support for all of our people serving overseas.  Redefine their purpose.  Protect them.  OH and come clean!
3.  Review and support a complete overhaul of our armed service  so that they are paid appropriately and taken care of on a long term basis for their financial and medical needs.
4.  Pass a meaningful National budget.
5.  Redefine, simplify, and refine the way this country taxes it's citizens.
6.  Downsize Government.
7.  Finally, allow business to grow to the extent that a new "boom" will provide decent people a decent wage that will in turn create a tax income that will naturally help lift us from the pits of financial despair so that the National debt is eliminated.  See Ronald Regan!
8.  Finally, shut up and do that which the people of this country have hired you to do and stop it with the ideology bit.  We have an ideology, it's called the constitution.............Follow it!
Mr. President, if you can accomplish any one of the above then you will  have earned my respect. But we'll see. 
 I just have no faith in you based upon past performance or lack thereof.