Monday, June 15, 2009

The fifteenth day of the sixth month of the year of the OP

OK, bring back the fifties, sixties or maybe it was the seventies.
I lost a decade back there somewhere.
At any rate it was the time of the Roller Derby. Remember watching the Derbies on TV. Yeah, well most of you don't. Fifteen minutes of the men skating and then the much anticipated women's contest. Only in America and with the skaters trying to physically beat the stuffing out of each other.

There is evidently a ladies league here in South Carolina and is it ever wild. We went Sunday to watch the terrifying Atlanta Denim Demons (those in the red, white and blue) skate against the home town Columbia Quadsquad Rollergirls, those in black in the photos. I am sure than no one will want these particular shots , but you never know. It was more entertainment than anything else. But from a photoshoot opportunity the images aren't too bad with a hand held Nikon D40X and a 200 mm lens.

What's not to like about girls calling themselves Betty Burnout, Mel Anoma, Brass Knuckle Brandy, Pitt Bull, and the Captain Holly Hunter. She's in the bottom photo in black, taken just before she absolutely obliterated the two girls from the opposite team. I think she spent more time in the penalty box, but she put a world of hurt on some folks and the crowd totally loved her.
On the other team there were such standouts as Canna Whoopass, Forniskate, Scarbie Doll or Regretta Garbo. All of them trying to flatten the opposing team's skaters.
And the Referees Bruise Lee, Cole Slaw-ter, Slaughterhouse Jive or Getupov Defleur.

One never knows where a photo-op is going to turn up, but this was flat skating with the hitting pretty well controlled.
Although, I am not sure I would not want to date any one of the girls on the losing team. They scare me!


  1. The next time y'all go to a rollerderby match, I wanna go!

  2. It's a date. The next one is August 29 I think at the Jamil Temple but lets talk as it gets closer. We'll have to plan a tailgate. Yeah even for that they do it.

  3. Hi! Thanks for taking great photos! We'd love to put a link up to a group of them from our website, send me a shout at Thanks!
