Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The 7th of the 9th

Beach day for the Laborers!

We spent Monday, Labor Day, at Edisto Beach in South Carolina with about 150 of our newest and closest (?) friends of the moment. 

Of course it rained, but that's OK.

While this is not part of Hurricane Irene, that storm did leave piles of sea shells all over the beach.  Most of them were broken, but there were some serious "Shellers" there.  We spent a lot of time digging through that which was left against this groin which goes out into the ocean in an attempt at maintaining the sand on the beach.  One couple had a real operation going with shovels, screens, tables, and kept going rain or shine.  I didn't stop to ask why the elaborate setup, but remember seeing people like them on Sanibel Island in Florida years ago.  Serious collectors or commercial shell "Pickers".  Have no idea which.  Yes, we got rained upon and no Missy did not like the surf.  Her first outing in the ocean and she was not impressed.  As part border collie, she barked and talked to people who had the audacity to take their children into the surf.  Certainly an unsafe undertaking in her mind.  And what no proper parent should do.

She did get wet from the surf and also did not like the taste of the salt water.  Remember to double click for full screen. 

It was interesting to watch how people handled the rain.  Some had elaborate beach umbrellas.  Others like ourselves headed for the cars to wait out the heaviest of the rain.  Others hung out at the park offices (State Park).  And others just sat at their picnic tables and continued to eat soggy burgers and dogs.  All in all a pretty good day.  Love a rainy day at the beach, but then I've been called a masochist before.

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