Sunday, July 1, 2012

The first of the seventh

Well, we made it through the first six months.  Give yourselves a hand.  The fire at the plastics recycling plant is still burning and the town has restricted water use so we won't poison ourselves with the run-off from fighting the fire.  I can only imagine those poor folks out west losing thier homes. 

Water restriction is ok cause my tomatoes would probably have tasted like petroleum based vegetables if I kept watering them.  You know how the tomatoes taste from the supermarket in January.  Going to be over 105 again today, so everything from grass up is going crispy critter.  But we made it through six months already.  Hooray!

This is what happens when you take a camera from an air conditioned house set at about 74 out into the arms of mother nature where it is pushing ninety with 3000 % humidity.  The lens immediately fogs over.

And an already stunted sunflower looks all the more like last year's dandelion.  Well, the next six months look bright.  We can replant a winter crop.  The Govt. has pushed health care down our throats and the Supreme's have pounded it up the other end, so there not too much more they can do to us on that front.  Mainstream TV will be wall to wall political lies till November, so we can scratch that as an entertainment source.  If you intend to take your wife/girlfriend to a movie--like maybe "Magic Mike", I would suggest that she go with her girl friends and leave you at home.  You would be only one of about five men in a full theatre.  Google it and you'll see why!  Me I want to see "Shades of Grey", the movie, if anybody has the balls to make it.............and you know they will.  You can google that too.  This is a family blog ya know!

In the mean time, we have a few hurricanes to look forward to, the first frost, the beginning of the school year and a few meaningful holidays.

 We'll start with the fourth.

  I will miss the pile of steamed crabs at the Rock Hall Celebration and the fireworks over the River in Chestertown.  My favorite lady of the rubber hand.  My kids oooooohing and ahhhhhhhing over the displays.

But we, in a neighborhood of 1/12 acre lots, will have fireworks.  They sell them down here to anyone. And that means that anyone who never made it past the eighth grade has the totally legal opportunity to set his neighbor's house afire.  Should be fun standing out in the back yard,  hose in hand, and watching all the yahoos drink, and crash, and burn.  Happens every year and is a really sweet way to pay tribute to the country.  Just hope the water restrictions have been lifted by then.

Anyway, welcome July.  The month of hamburgers and hotdogs on the gril, micro bikinis at the beach, brown grass that should've been green, car interiors of two hundred degrees, electric bills large enough to finance a year at a college, and just more lies in the national news.

Oh, and I see spell check is out again.  So suffer!

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