Saturday, February 4, 2012

The fourth of the second


I always said that a ground hog was only good for turning vegetable matter into protein.  Let alone prognosticating the weather.  I once had a vegetable garden and the little critter obliterated a row of green beans in about two hours. 

But here is the "Real Deal".  A friend of mine in Florida said yesterday that the robins were staging in her yard and getting all ready for their trip north.  Well, there here.  A couple of dozen of the red breasted characters were cleaning up the yard. 

Now if I could only get them to eat leaves, I would 'nt have to rake!  Fat chance, they seem to have this attitude about them.

The seem to be particularly incensed when you interrupt their bath.  Like some people I know! 

So my friends up north, bear with it.  This non winter will be coming to an end all too soon.  Then we'll have to deal with AC bills, flies and mosquito's.  Oh, and remember if you put a dozen or so pennies in a plastic bag full of water and hang it by a won't have to deal with the flies.  Course, cleaning up the dog poop in the yard also helps. 

Oh, and my Superbowl pick will be 97-95 with Brady making the last basket in OT.  Pass the wings please!

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