Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The second of the apolitical day!

Skipper, Skipper----how does your garden grow?

Why with blue bells, cockle shells and a great big *^&#  weed right in the middle.

Just an update.  This was the Preppers garden on 4/1/12

Just goes to show ya.  Seven years at an agriculture college and all I remember is --- you plant it and come back in thirty days and it's grown.

Sort of a time lapse series for those of you with a public school education.  I see the Catawba flowers are falling and that's going to present another problem.  They get ugly and sticky and impossible to remove which means I might not get back to the plants for another month and need to hose off the patio.

Just a broader view showing the jungle sized postage stamp which is the back yard.  Hey, from a thousand miles up it looks pretty good.  I know with the birds it's build it and they will come.  How about moles....if I built the garden with they come.  More protein for the prepper!  Maybe mole with a Catawba glaze?  Now I gotta find a recipe for weed soup!  You all have a great day waiting for the apocalypse!

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