Monday, January 7, 2013

1 7 13

Day of rest
Yesterday, I did rest, vegetate, watched my belly grow, relaxed and saw a pretty good football game.
I have a friend in Connecticut is so much of a rabid Seahawks fan, he may need shots.  I don't follow the pros that much...much prefer college ball but it was a pretty good game and now I seem to be becoming a Seattle fan.  At least for the moment.  They have to play Atlanta next week, which takes my interest quotient to another new low.  Another left coast, left wing city playing a left wing city in a right wing state.  At least it will be two predator birds will be facing off....Seahawks Vs. Falcons.
I did take that image from the Internet and so claim no ownership whatsoever.  I would also guess that a number of my own images have made the rounds of image theft, but there is nothing I can do about that.  You know, god grant me the wisdom to change the things I can and all the rest just just settle up with my 38 cal. 
Speaking of a 38, I am watching all the posturing by our overpaid, self centereds in Washington taking advantage of a bad situation to further their own agendas.  Tell me again why we vote for these vultures any way.  New gun laws, Huh?  Yeah, that'll work.  Just look at Chicago for the proof. 
Toughest gun laws in the Country = highest violent crimes in the Country.
Boy, our lawmakers sure do get it right.  I did take Statistics 101 in college.  Twice!
But what do I know, I am just a lowly photographer.  If I were ever robbed by some bottom feeder, I would probably go for the camera first [because I am a photographer] and my [legal] concealed carry weapon second.  Lot of good that would do me but does bring up an idea for those of us who have a misplaced sense of self defense.
Maybe Nikon could merge with Smith and Wesson, thus becoming a new entity called  "Itakeupicture & blowyourgbuttoff, Inc.  Make sense to you Senator?  Probably qualify for the anti-trust laws.
An interesting new gun could be mounted under your Nikon, Smith, and Wesson cameras.  Perhaps with a laser sight just to make the picture more dramatic. 
 I can see the scene now....criminal demanding my money during a home goes click first, then an orange dot appears on his face....series of click, click,clicks.....Bang....a big ugly hole appears in his forehead.  Double exposure [tap] just to make sure.
Ahhhh, but I am just a foolish dreamer!

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