Thursday, February 26, 2009

The 26th day of the Second Month

YOU! Yeah You! Ever wonder why companies such as Target, Lowes, Home Depot, and so on are having trouble selling stuff?

Even as the current administration spends $36 Billion a day to lead us out of the wilderness. Yeah that's $36 billion with a "B"! A DAY! Although I think Congress would be more comfortable with a "T".

Yet, why are McDonalds and Walmart are doing so well? It's price and service genius..........Duh! Look for it and buy only where you find it, and conduct your own business in the same manner. If we all do this, this recession will end sooner rather than later.

Got an email from a friend that explains it all and I quote. "I have spent the entire day fighting with insurance companies and banks. Since when have complete idiots taken over. It's incredible and frustrating - even the ones you pay to get something done for you are just sooooo damn dumb."

Well, that kinda "Splains it Lucy"!

I am including a new section which hopefully will be of some use to somebody out there in the ether. It will simply be stuff I have either found on the web or conjured up before I had my lobotomy.


"Photocopy both sides of the important contents of your wallet or purse(credit cards, driver's license, etc.) and store the copy in a safe place at home. Should your purse or wallet get stolen or lost, you'll have a record of your account numbers and whom to notify about them."

The temperature is approaching sixty today but cloudy with a milky sky. Not the type of day to go outside and photograph, so I'll probably just walk the RiverWalk. I will be doing a little show on the 18Th of April here in Columbia, then a show in October at Hereford Inlet Lighthouse in New Jersey. If they will still have me, I intend to go the Easton Waterfowl Festival in Maryland in November. I'll let you know about any other shows so you can all come out and spend lotsa money to get the economy going again. Or you could buy from my website. Remember it's you patriotic duty!

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