Saturday, July 3, 2010

The third day of the seventh month of the year of the Camellia

This is dedicated to a dear friend who "Just Loves a Parade"

I promise!

As you who have read this blog, with any consistency and or devotion know, I am a small-time baseball fan.  Not just because I played it up to and including high school, but because I feel that it embodies all that is right with this world.  Right up to the professional level, where all that goes to hell and the almighty dollar takes over.

It's July Fourth weekend, and what better time for a parade?

  Well to make this parade doubly nice, it was in honor of the National Collegiate Baseball Champions of the University of South Carolina. (USC)  The Game Cocks!

Of course there were some who just could not resist a little advertising at the expense of irony!

  And kids of all ages were there in huge numbers.

There were some fourteen thousand to welcome them home on, I think it was Thursday night, and yesterday 40,000 watched the parade in greater downtown Columbia.

  The coach also was given the key to the city and named national coach of the year.  And with a family like this, is it any wonder that the ball players were all decent kids who actually looked decent!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Their a proud bunch and rightly so.

Thanks Coach------------Now they all expect you to do it again next year! 

But these guys are special.  Last year at Rosenblatt Stadium in Omaha.  A Cinderella team which did it with all the players.  Yes, there were some hero's like Brady Jr., Roth, and Merrifield.  But each member of the team contributed in a significant way.  Just think....they were down to the last pitch in one game.  Full count on Jr., and he strokes a single.  Next man drives him home.  Destiny's Angels.  And just another reason to celebrate our independence.  With a bunch of nice kids who deserve all the accolades of an adoring pubic.


1 comment:

  1. I wish I could have been at the parade. Sometimes the office is evil. So proud of my Gamecocks.
