Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The second day of summer of the year of Emergence

Hank's early!

Cerviche and sweet tea!

Doesn't get any better than that!

Probably on of my favorite restaurants ever, that just happens to be in Charleston, SC.

The food is fresh and the service impeccable with a price that will choke some, but is OK with others.  Six for a hundred and a half is not exorbitant, unless of course you are one of the 18 or so percent unemployed in this country because of oppressive government policies that strangle small business.  Then it is a bit much.  End of rant!

My daughter-in-law commented to me that she wanted to see "Rainbow Row", a street in Charleston.  Surprisingly enough, I looked around as she pulled up an image of same on her phone and it just so happened to be where we were standing.  I have to admit we are not too bright as tourists go.  Rainbow Row is about a two block section where each row house is painted a different color, giving the allusion of a rainbow.  That was a cool discovery.

Every time I go to Charleston, I find some new nook or cranny.  This is the graveyard at the Circular Church which was built in 1681.  That's older than even me! One of the amazing parts of this town is the fact that you can find spots like this almost devoid of people.  The the sidewalk on the other side of the church is at the same time mobbed.

Finally, the tourists in chief!

That's the "I wish you were here, but your not, so Ha Ha" tourist photo.

Love em all!  Tomorrow, Isle of Palms.  Can you stand it?

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