Monday, December 19, 2011

The 19th day of the 12th month of Emergence

A little behind on this Christmas thing!

I have been having a bad time getting into the Christmas spirit this year.  Let's see yesterday we got up to seventy somethin degrees, and only this morning did we reach down to the freezing mark.  Oh, of course the decorations are up on the front door to welcome all to see.  The tree is decorated in the front hall and the dogs have colorfull bandanas around their necks.  Much to their wonderment and confusion I suppose.  And the birds just don't care....afterall their brain is the size of a pea.  What can you expect.... I, on the other hand, am supposed to have a brain somewhat larger than that.  Therefore, I should be dancing around with visions of sugar plums and stuff.  Well, ok maybe a sugar cooky or two.  Got to have something to leave for Santa on the mantel.  That reminds me, need to clean out the fireplace for his arrival and of course the first fire of the season if we ever get cold enough.  And yes Virginia, I do still believe in Santa Clause.  Tooth Fairy, not so sure, but Santa....oh yeah!  You see there is a reason for Santa's called Jesus!  So after you get through all that ribbon and wrapping paper, give pause to the real reason for the season.  See, now I can get into the spirit a bit.  Last year was a little easier cause Jesus gave us some Christmissy stuff to wonder at.

Have you ever noticed how quiet it is during a snow storm?  Especially if the wind isn't blowing.  Then some idiot comes along in his pick me up truck draging his kid behind on a sled and ruins it all.  Particularly if the kid falls off, you know then the sirens, flashing lights and all...oh well!

This was a time exposure taken at 9:30 at night, and just amazed me what a digital camera can do.  Of course if I had turned off the time exposure and used a flash that didn't have a great deal of power, then it was a little different.

A little less sepia and more black and white, but you can see the snow flakes.  Now that out to get me into the season a little bit.  But one of my favorite times during a snow storm is when it's all over and the sun comes out.  It all just glistens.  Thank you Lord!

Sigh.  Well, I guess I just got to put on my wifebeater T-shirt and a pair of shorts and take a walk.  Now where the heck did I put those sun glasses?


  1. Beautiful photos, Skip. Though I'm hoping we don't see any of the white stuff this winter.

  2. Well, if we do'll probably only last ten minutes.
