Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The 21st day of the 12th month...time to start Christmas Shopping


Since I am the Vice President in charge of keeping the house presentable and somewhat clean, it is my duty to access Murphy's theories.  You will remember Murphy, he said that "anything that can go wrong..will"!

Take vacuuming for instance.  Not a real problem were the machine not attached to a long cord, which much like the hose outside is possessed by demons.

First the culprit responsible for most of the dust, dander, dog hair and downright dirt in the house refuses to move when approached with anything other than a cookie.  See all those words start with the letter D..interesting, rhymes with dog..Sigh!

Why is it when you go from one room to another with the vacuum, and are in full speed ahead mode, the cord sticks somewhere?

And don't even go there with the cords under the computer table.

Just try to get anything straight down there.  Even the vacuum doesn't want to get tangled up with that mess.  And speaking of vacuums.  They have an appetite.  That's right, they seek nourishment of their own kind.

Those fringes of throw pasta to a vacuum.  Right around the brush and that means stopping the machine.  Bending over and untangling the fringe.  Right after I have bent over to untangle the cord.  After bending over and promising the dog a cookie.

Oh and did I mention? 
 At my age, bending over to do ANYTHING, is simply God's way of getting even!  He does have a sense of humor after all.

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