Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The seventh day of the 12th month of Emergence


My better half had foot surgery late last week and of course I am playing the good cop to her bad cop.  Which means she gets to sleep most of the day and is awake at night.  Ergo.....the Pike Place Roast this morning at five....Thank you Starbucks.  I think that they must have figured out how to get more caffeine in that stuff without us all knowing.  It certainly is additive.

  The neighborhood had a thrill last Saturday night.  I was standing at the kitchen window doing dishes like any good fifties wife, when the police showed up next door and up the street.  Have you any idea how bright those lights are on top of squad cars?  Of course I didn't take any pictures.  I am just too nosey and was trying to and find out what was going on.  Still not totally sure of the whole thing, but it seems there was some kind of drug bust a block over and people were running through back yards to get away. 

I've got news for all the would be Jesse James out there in our community, I am protected by Smith and Wesson (38 hollow points), a chi-wa-wa, border collie, and two don't come runnin cause I know how to use those cockatiels.

OK, so it's way too early and I am giving too much information into my personal life of the moment and most of you could care less anyway.  And anyway what's the point of the blog today anyhow.


If you haven't notice Christmas is coming in some eighteen days or so.  Well, if you hadn't noticed I can't blame you.  After all, organizations are afoot to ban Christmas from the public celebration,  if not Christianity all together.  The government has become what the founders never imagined.  Unemployment is at major depression levels.  Congress is self centered and dysfunctional.  White House leadership isn't.  People wait days to get into a store to save 50% of some trinket and freeze to death in the process.  So not so much you wouldn't miss the fact that the birth of our Lord is to be celebrated in a couple of weeks.  Which brings up the point of the blog today.


Man that's a leap!  But there is a photograph up there.

My first bicycle arrived on Christmas morning in a little bedroom town in central New Jersey when, I guess, I was in fifth or sixth grade.  If I recall correctly it was not like the one posted here, but one of those English types with the skinny wheels, 648 gears, and brakes on the handle bars.  You could actually pedal backwards and nothing would happen.  That was a good thing when your pants cuff got caught in the chain.

 But that bike represented a freedom that only a kid could appreciate.  There would be no restrictive monthly payments for Beetles, Pontiacs, or Ford Explorers....just the freedom to get in the saddle, wind in the face, and explore.  Hell, it was a big thing to go across town to see how the other half lived.  And no parental or spousal restrictions.....weeeee!

We didn't have to worry about deficits, unemployment, people gathering in protest who never before felt the need.  Other people gathering in protest for they know not what.  And what now seems to we adults as an uncertain future for our children and grands.

 It's no longer as simple as getting on the bike and pedaling up the hill just to see what's on the other side.

However, Christmas is coming and with that brings the renewed need for tightening of family ties.  Yes, the bike was great and the gift from Santa (all big gifts were from Santa) lasted for many years.  But the memories of my parents and sister, grands, uncles and aunts, nieces and nephews, friends, pulling together to celebrate, was really the core of the season for us.  Now it's my own kids and grands that are so important.  And the recognition of the "Reason for the season" quote what is becoming a cliche.  We were never overly religious growing up, but my parents made sure that we knew why we celebrated...We didn't need to be seen on Sunday to believe in God!

I saw a five year old on TV the other night.  She was asked about Christmas and what she liked about it.  "I get presents"  She smiled.  A beautiful child with a beautiful smile.  Do you know why we celebrate........."No".  Her parents had the freedom to teach her and wasted that freedom.  Pull them together folks, hold them close, and whatever you do .... teach them what we are all about so that they can ride over that hill just to see what's over there.  We don't want them running through some stranger's back yard just to get their freedom.

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