Monday, August 20, 2012

the 20th of the 8th

In the "I need a life" category.

Whilst crawling on ma belly on Saturday, looking for critters to photograph of course, it dawned upon me that I needed to mow the lawn.  This too falls into the category of time moving too fast.  I mean I just did it a day or so ago...or was it maybe it was a week ago?  Who can keep track of time anyway.  Still one of those imponderables.  I mean if a deaf person goes to court, why is it still called a hearing.  Just baffles me.

So out comes the implement from Hell!

This kinda reminds me of the chain saw I use once a year.  Get it out of the garage, which still doesn't have a place for the two bikes, gas and oil it up and then try to start it.  First wish.  Outboard motors are the same thing. it's now what I am calling "Getting lucky" starts.  Times do change.

Once the grass has been chopped to a reasonable height, then one needs to get out the weed wacker.  That stuff growing along the edge of the gardens needs to be gone.  The first thing you notice is that you haven't but on your safety glasses as a speck of dirt or worse has lodged itself in your eye.  That happens about the same moment the cord has caught around something that certainly wasn't there when you first started.  Sigh !!!

But I was successful.  Does anyone want a photograph of a fire ant hill.  I found it after being bitten three or four times.  And you all thought photography was easy.

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