Sunday, April 28, 2013

4 28 13

Or is that rainy days and Monday.  As a friend of mine once said about momentary confusion...."Its all in-venereal to me"! But it is Sunday and God is crying!  We are finally getting some much needed rain which drives the city managers nuts as it reduces the need for us victims to use city water and that reduces their daily income.  Politicians are all of the same stripe I am beginning to think, but I am glad we're getting some moisture on the tender new plants trying to become mature weeds in my garden.  No photos today as the good Dr. of Blogology over at Google seems to think that Sunday is a day of rest or something and the uploader is down.  Of course if you are in real need to look at photos, go to the website and spend a few hours with your credit card in front of you.
When I have climbed my personal mountain to find that bearded guy sitting cross legged in front of an open cave and he tells me I have one question I can ask...Well I've been thinking of that question.
I think that all I can hope for is that the old guy is not "Uncle Si".  You know you've seen him on TV or in the corner of the room at family reunions, quietly babbling to himself.  Or maybe he's the weird uncle with too much happy water at the last wedding you attended.  You find he's full of wisdom, but only when you finally peel all the layers of onion away and can understand what it is he's saying.  And you better be happy that it is "Uncle Si"...Jack!

  I so want to be that guy when I grow up.

  Maybe the good Lord has just such a cave where I can sit and answer all the questions of the newly uninformed.  If so, just don't ask me to tell you where to get the best deal on used tires, or used cars, or the best bait shop, or how to raise your kids.

Kind of a blue weekend.  We lost a country and western singing legend, which I am counting in my personal bad things of three.  George Jones.  I actually met him once at a concert we were giving up in Flemington, NJ.  He was actually more drunk that was I at the time.  And that was going a country mile.  I guess we both cleaned that act up to a degree.  At least I did.  He barely made the concert.

We lost a young man some thirty to fifty years too early, and it's just plain sad.  RIP RJ, you will be missed.  We have another friend in critical condition who needs all the prayers one can muster....Give it hell John!  And for the rest of you who just need praying for in general, please accept my humble concerns and prayers for you and your family.

And for those who claim they don't need praying over....well, we'll just wait and see and you better hope that it ain't me at your cave door.

I'll continue to work on that question.

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