Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The 12th of the 5th of the year of Emergence

You know your in a bad neighborhood when you need five male escorts!

Or maybe this lady American Merganaser just has something special.  How do ducks say "She's hot"!

Often times, when I make a photo it just seems like it would make a great jig saw puzzle.  Do people still do them?  Can we buy them digitally for the little things that our kids have their thumbs into all the time.  Who knew back in the day that the technology would be what it is.  At the current rate, future generations will have no fingers, just opposing thumbs and a pad where the other four fingers used to go.  Evolution you know!

Or that some unknown somebody or other could write all this drivel and publish it every day.  And that someone would actually spend 42 seconds to read it.  It's sorta like when the debit card prints out "Approved"....It's a modern "Mur-a-cul".

Or maybe they just came to take her away...Haha.

  I have experience with that!

1 comment:

  1. My grandkids love jigsaw puzzles and I indulge them as much as possible. Actually, they are a learning tool in elementary school for fine motor coordination.
