Monday, May 23, 2011

The 23rd day of the fifth month of the year of Emergence

Things are beginning to warm up here in central South Carolina.  I think we made ninety-six degrees yesterday and the rest of the week looks like it will be warm.  Beach time!  Too much to do however and the beach has to wait for a while.  The yard work still consumes a bit of time, but the neighbors keep saying how great it looks.  Hey from 2000 miles up, it still looks like a postage stamp but it's fun.  Had our first tomato from the Victory garden and there is another turning orange, so it won't be long till we have too many.  Can't wait, those plastic things from the grocery store are tedious. 

Busy scanning old slides, culling the ones that looked good ten years ago that I just laugh at today.  I guess that means I am being more constructively critical now that I know what's good and what's not.  At least I hope so.  If I can cut the 20,000 slides down to 5,000 or so I would be happy.  It would free up all kinds of space in the file cabinet and that's a good thing.  Course I could just trip over some photograph which would make us all millions, but that's unlikely to happen.  No "Mad Bluebird" hiding in the stacks I am afraid.  Keep looking for him though.  I wonder how Michael is doing, I havent' talked to him in a while.

Today's entry in the pretty bird contest is a pine warbler who visited a month or so ago.  Since we evidently have no gold finches to visit, this is the most yellow bird we see here.  Nice image.


  1. What is the soil in SC like? Even with all the products I add to our sand, it still stays mostly sand. Definitely makes a difference in the taste of the tomatoes. Homegrown is always better but nothing beats a NJ tomato.

  2. Yep, mostly sand here too. And your right about a Jersey tomato. We grew some pretty good ones in MD as well. Here, not so good.
