Saturday, September 11, 2010

Second entry on 9/11/2010, the year of the Camellia

There are two national events of unequaled catastrophe to occur in my life time on this place.  The first and most recent of course was the utter senseless destruction of all the living people who died in the twin towers in New York.  Their souls live on you misguided fools who perpetrated that horrendous time.  May all your radicals die in hell without the reward of Allah or whoever it is you pretend to follow! 

Bless the memory of this place and how dare you plan to desecrate it?

I was having coffee in my great room on the Eastern Shore of Md when my neighbor called and told me to turn on the television.  I did so and we watched together the second plane hit.  Needless to say my plans for that day were changed and I was glued to the constant reporting.  I had worked for 20 years just two blocks east of those towers.  People I knew died---------------a sad day in our history.

Bless all those folks who died.  And those who tried.  Those who tried to save people and gave the ultimate.  Those who tried and succeeded in saving so many.  Those who survived.  And finally blessings to the loved ones who remain stained with that horror forever!

I was talking with my Senior Advisor at Penn State when the news that Kennedy had been shot was passed along to the academicians in that building.  As I recall it was a Friday and we all spent the weekend and following week glued to the television.  Another idiot now spending his time in hell for some radical idea or misguided theory.

And now with those two actual events behind us, all we have to do is to make sure it can't happen again.

That's all!

I am afraid that we are all destined to relive history if we forget.

Insanity is surely repeating the same things but expecting different results!

I for one, will never forget!

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