Monday, April 11, 2011

The eleventh day of the fourth month

We had a small gathering here yesterday afternoon to celebrate my seventy one years on this planet.  Small group of friends who ate hamburgers and chicken cooked on a new grill.  Probably not smart to cook for a group of people with a new grill on her maiden voyage, but the burgers "Mooooed" and the chicken "Clucked".  Potato salad, tomatoes, mac n cheese, with chocolate cake and or strawberry short cake.  We even had some french fried sweet potatoes.  Sounds like the summer cookout season has started.  The ice is almost out on the big lake up north and the flies and ants are attacking any piece of food left outside here.  Life is good!

The game plan for this week is to work on photo files and list some more on FAA.  Then re-list and start working on Etsy, Yardseller and Art Fire accounts, which I have neglected for some time.  Need to reseed the back yard as the resurrection of that area continues.  The victory garden is coming along fine with the "Emergence" of carrots, beans, and summer onions this weekend.  I continue to try to trick more songbirds into the many feeders and have set out two nesting boxes but have no takers yet.

I have told my good friends at the Hereford Inlet Lighthouse in New Jersey that I will not be attending their August Maritime Festival.  It is just too much work, stress, and cost to participate in outdoor shows.  The tent, tables, booth, buckets of sand to tie the tent down with, the inventory to maintain, create, carry around the country is just too much.  The income from those shows is just not enough when you travel great distances, pay for gas and lodging.  And physically it is becoming a bit much.  Inflation, it's here.  Just check the super market!  But people are still reluctant to pay for wall art and publishers continue to be cautious.  I will be doing one small outdoor show here in town and the big one in Easton, MD in November.  One is no travel and the other is my 21st year and an indoor show.  I will be trying to sell the entire outdoor booth at the show here in town.  Tent and all and it's going cheap, so if anyone has an interest give a shout.  I will not be selling the five tables I use.  I may need them to help set up the new Bingo and Smoking Parlor business where I will also sell lottery tickets from all 52 states.

My oldest grand daughter went to her Junior Prom this past week end and had a great time according to the photos taken.  I remember mine.  First we had to find the fiddle players to provide the music, hook up the wagon, wash down the horse, slick up our hair, then around the mountain to pick up our dates.  I think it was called a hoedown or something.  I guess that term means something else today.

Actually we weren't that bad.  Had a real band (by yesterday's standards), a car (fifty one ford coupe all tricked out), a GF just across town, and a gymnasium all decorated by the sophomore class for us juniors.  Or were we seniors.  Can't remember.

Elizabeth your getting more beautiful every day and are quite the young lady. I am so proud of you.  Now it will be Emily's next turn to stun us all (and you better believe that one---she is going to be nothing short of stunning).  Then Isabelle (assuming she doesn't marry some prince or king somewhere first) .  But that will take a couple or five years to happen.  I will still be around to see all that!!! That's just a statement of fact.  I told someone this weekend that I wanted to live to be a hundred (I do have a 99 year old uncle).  Just think of all the people I can piss off if I do (he proudly says)!

Well I have rambled on enough for an old seasoned citizen.  No rants to day just some introspection and another piece of "Gunk".

"Purple Pansy"

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