Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The 19th day of the 7th month of the year of Emergence


Bait them and they will come.  Remember to double click for full screen.

I got this "Corners" yesterday with my Nikor 200mm lens and a shutter speed of somewhere around 400th of a second.  It seems fast to us, but no so much when you think of these little guys.  Just say the old saying....."One little second" and then divide that by 400!  Still haven't been able to get Papa to stay still long enough to make a shot.  She is pretty friendly as wild things go, but won't stay still for very long.  I put the dogs out this morning and she greeted me by hovering about two feet from my face briefly.  You almost get the sense that she wanted to say "Good Morning" before she buzzed of to Lord knows where.  They must have a nest somewhere and I think she is feeding babies which may be why she is at the feeder so often.  Almost about every eight to ten minutes all day long.  He on the other had doesn't appear to eat.  Just chases every other bird (including Corners) from every tree he can find.  I may have a paranoid humming bird on my hands here.  I think that I have to wait till later in the afternoon to get that 1000th of a second shot of her, and from a completely different angle as the sun will of course shift. 

I am not so sure who would want to buy images of hummers anyway.  I remember years ago, when  he was selling the hell out of the "Mad Bluebird", Michael Smith did a study in medium format of a hummingbird family.  He made all kinds of huge prints which were just outstanding.  Close to the birds, tack sharp, great color and action.  He took them to the Easton Wasterfowl Festival and couldn't sell a one.  Just incredible that such good work never sold.  But the public is fickle and all they wanted from him was the bluebird.

Probably more to come as I am still playing with angles, lighting, and shutter speeds.  Have a great day.

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