Thursday, July 7, 2011

The 7th of the 7th of the year of Emergence

AN ANOMALY, of sorts!

Maybe the date, play that on the lottery today.  7-7-11

Or perhaps


This is a Canvasback duck I photographed in Cambridge, Md some years back.  You just go into town and head for the Choptank River (great name)  in the fall and winter.  Find the end of Oakley Street where it meets the river and look for ducks.  Take five gallons of cracked corn and you will be the most popular person around.  For a handful of "Bait" you can attract just about every species of duck, goose, and swan that participates in the Eastern Flyway.  The problem is getting one or two to separate from the gaggle you attract.

The Canvasback has been called the king of ducks because or their outstanding flavor as table fare and in the early 1900's were almost commercially hunted out of extinction.  So it is a treat to see a raft of them out on the water. 

So where is the Anomaly you might ask....and rightly so.

This guy, or gal, showed up for at least five years that I counted.   A long time to be seen in area where duck hunting is right up there with goose hunting followed closely by religion.  I don't think it was a true albino because of the smattering of black feathers.  The eyes are red as in other birds of it's clan, so no clue there.  It was just a treat to see it for so many years and to know to look for it with each handful of corn cast on the water.  Thank ya Lord!

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