Monday, August 24, 2009

The 24th day of the 8th month of the year of the OP

My maritime studies include many foggy images which only shows that I love to hide my inadequacies within the mask of nature's veil.

The boat is a bateau, which simply put, is a row boat of a little larger proportions. Of flat bottom construction for shallow use in the Chesapeake Bay and the rivers there upon. They are used mostly for crabbing and poking around in the marshes. Often an outboard motor is attached, but often as not a small two cycle engine is placed within the boat itself. These engines were called affectionately "one lungers" as they sounded like they only operated on one beat every other stroke. They would run all day long as long as there was gasoline to keep them going and a cup full was generally sufficient for a full day.

One of the most efficient fishing platforms the bay fishermen had to work with. They leaked a good bit and filled up with rain water, so a good hand bailer was necessary. The one pictured hear probably was simply used to row back and forth from shore to a larger boat tied to the same post.

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