Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The 30th day of the third month of the year of the Camellia


A great number of you my highly intelligent and descerning readers have asked me to post a meaningful self portrait.  Afterall I am a photographer and how tough can that be? 

My answer to that is......the only photograph of me is in the post office.  You know those "Wanted" adds.  Do they even have them anymore?

I have been immersed in getting the web business going and feel a little like the snowy egret at the beginning of this article.  He's a little crazy.  I'm a lot crazy at this point.   He's in mating plummage and ready for sex.  I on the other hand have lost most of my mating plummage.

And this is the way it works. Please check out my links to the right and below for the GrapeWorm (great name) store and the Etsy store.  I have no idea where they come up with these names.  The links are on the right side along with my website as well.  Once you do please, and this is the important part, email those links to all your friends (I have already done so with my two), and a kind word (it wouldn't hurt) about these great photographs for sale at highly exhorbitant prices.




And I also have a presence on eBay.  See why I am so crazy?
See, what I am trying to do is have you email three to three hundred friends, and have them email five hundred friends, and them 2,000 and so on and so forth. 

I want to go Viral!

I am already certifiable!

No, that's not a desease.  It's just a term the techies use.  So why not, I can pretend techy!

Look at it this way!  In this economy it is hard to come up with the scratch to make dollar donations to worthy causes-------------so this way you can help a fellow out.  And I am a worthy cause.  And I will return the favor if it doesn't cost me anything.  This costs nothing.  And maybe God forbid somebody should buy something.  

I just want (All) your friends to know about these links. Please tell them to pass it on. 

It's a Ponsi scheme. So don't break the chain. 

If you break the chain, the great blue bird in the sky is liable to drop something nasty on your head.  If you don't; he'll probably do the same thing.  But there's a chance he might not.  It's worth a shot!

I want traffic folks.


I can measure it. I have Google Analytics! Just like the goverment, I know where you live!

(Hope you all can recognize "Tongue in Cheek")

I just noticed that the new format for doing this does not include a spell check.  Now you will all know I spell how it sounds and not how Mr. Webster meant it to be.  Jeeeeeeeeez, can it get any worse.  Chow!

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