Monday, March 8, 2010

The 8th day of the third month of the year of the Camellia

Sometimes you get more than you bargain for.

Call it fate.

Maybe luck.

Or perhaps I just don't see what I should be seeing in the first place.

In the case of my photography, I tend to be so wrapped up in making the image that I often really don't notice what's going on.

Let me shoot five frames per second just to make sure I have it.

And then I will adjust knowing that I have the insurance shots.

That's seeing Macro and missing Micro. I think we all do it. On vacation that shot of the Grand Canyon is great, but when we get home we notice the guy with the sombrero on the donkey coming up the trail.
He makes the shot! He makes it stand out from the other thousand clicks from that same spot that same day.

Ya had to be there.

But would it not be nice to be aware of the guy on the donkey before hand.........or the Camellia pollen on the Chickadee's face.

Did you see it when you first looked at the photo.

I did, but I had'nt when I pulled the trigger.

Life's to short, I have to work on slowing down and smelling the pollen along the way.

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