Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The eleventh day of the fourth month seventy two years later

These are the two people responsible for me being on this planet and celebrating a birthday 72 years later.  Rest in peace Mom and Dad.  Bless them.

I was going to sleep in this morning, but my stupid brain started to do some funny things and that was the end of any hope of additional sleep.

I started to remember all the things that I put those two people through over the years.  I was/am never easy.  But I still muddle along.  You know they say the good die young!  And that says something about this black sheep. 

The vacations to places with names that are not on the tips of everyday folks.  Wilson Pond in Maine.  Lake Meddybemps (yep, that's right).  Nova Scotia and an Atlantic salmon my father almost cried over when he tied him off on a snag and was lost.  The UP of Michigan and more summers than seem right on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.  My two parents and sister....we did it all.  Bless them.

A great home in an upscale bedroom town in New Jersey.  Public schools and two degrees at a major college.  We were well provided for as kids.  Bless them.

Then I got lucky.  Married a woman who was/is more saint than sinner.  Then I got stupid, again!

 Two kids without the usual "Kid" problems and four grands that are coming along just the same way.  My ex wife did good...and maybe I had some little part of all that.  Bless them.

Now I spend my time peddling pictures, talking to old friends, taking photographs, screaming at the TV,  tending a garden, yard and house.  Being polite and loving to my newish better half and trying to keep up with what the grands are doing.  Bless em and I miss em every day.

Thank you Mom and Dad, Sue, Heather, Todd, Elizabeth, Emily, Ben and Izzy.  A particular thanks to Sheri, who for some reason sees some worth in this old hide.  Bless em all.

And to all the "New" doctors who are working so hard to keep this old carcass on the streets, thank you.  You say that the seventies are the new fifties.  Well just see to it and keep me going cause I got a lot of people I still want to irritate. 

And I am not ready to sit, rock, slurp and drool!  Yet!


  1. Beautifully said. And every year I always tell people I intend to live another 20 years. Wishing the same for you. Happy birthday.

  2. Thank you Anita....Here's to a lot more.

  3. OMG, how pensive and insightful! It takes 'age' to have us appreciate what we HAVE and not what we think we want.
    May we 58'ers have more than we ever imagined!
