Thursday, December 16, 2010

The 16th day of the 12th month of the year of the Camellia


Getting closer to Christmas and I have still yet to complete shopping.  Unlike Washington, DC where there is this lame duck trying to screw us one and all, I am doing things which I feel are loving activities directed toward my family.

It never seems to surprise me the extent that a politician will sink for his/her own self aggrandizement and to hell with those he/she is supposed to do or represent.  They want to pass legislation that flies directly in the face of the last mid term election.  It's as if they are intent in thumbing their noses at us, the people. They seem to simply pass UNREAD legislation that is unneeded in the main and criminal in the least. 

What the hell is wrong with you people.  You actually let these thieves pass an almost 3,000 word taxation bill that will end up costing us Billions (yeah with a big B and yeah us), without a whimper!  And how dare they not read it before they vote.  Are you kidding me?
Then we let these fools, who have for the most part, never run a business, met a payroll, had to create a damn thing that the public would want to buy off the shelf, tell us what the economy needs. 

The real hypocrisy is that they are "expected" to act that way. but we would be put in jail for the same behavior.
Maybe the public plea should for them is to just "Go home.  Don't pass anything".  "Leave us alone until the next congress is sworn in"  At least when we get screwed it will be by a younger and hopefully prettier face.  So we maybe can  enjoy it a little better.  You don't have to kiss me first, but be at least gentle.  Simply do your damn job.  And don't make it to appear to be obvious rape, which is what is happening now.

All I can say is that there is another election in 2012 and I only hope that I am alive to see some more of these egos deflated at the poles..............regardless of their party affiliation.

People, this is what your elected officials think of you!


Some of you people wanted "Hope and Change".  Well how's that change working out for ya?
I saw last night where the poles were saying that congress (small c) had an approval rating of 13%. 


Some small third world dictators are more respected by their people than that.

Just disgusts me.  I want my Country back and congressman (again small c) you can take your arrogance and shove it.  We're going to put you out here, out of a job,  and see if you like having to look for a one.  Of course, you've already stolen enough that you don't have to do real work anyway.  Just disgusting! 

house (small h), senate (small s), doesn't make any difference.  The all took poly sci in college where they learned to screw the public and then we elected them, so they could refine their art.  Whose fault is that.  Wake up or we will become THAT third world country.

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