Wednesday, December 1, 2010


THANKSGIVING, AND getting caught up!

Had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Cheri's family in Chicago.  Lisa, Ron, et. al. came in from California.  Rick and Sharon and their two girls were our host.  We flew from Charlotte, NC to O'hare and it was interesting to say the least.  I have not flown for a number of years and things have changed a little since I did my twice weekly Newark to Boston shuttles.

Of course the security thing was way different, but not what it was all blown up to be by the media.  From Charlotte, I just went through the metal detector but coming back from Chicago the stint in my chest and the zipper in my jogging pants set off alarms.  So I did do the big ex-ray machine and got felt up by some guy who didn't want to be doing it either. 

Charlotte is not a big town by New York standards, but it did show up OK through the Nikon lens.

Now bear in mind that these shots are for the most part through the airplane window.  I am sure some were wondering why I got my spray bottle of Windex out and cleaned the glass, plexi, or whatever it is you look through just before you use the little bags supplied in the back of the seats in front of you.  Actually not bad shots and one of the passengers actually asked me for some copies of the clouds.  Neat!

Chicago is a little larger than Charlotte but at least we had pretty good weather on both ends of the return trip.  Flights were delayed in NC on the trip out, due to a front moving through.  No biggie though.

This skyline shot did not come from the plane, which is probably a good thing.

The clouds from the plane were practically none existent until we got just to the west of the Great Smoky Mountains.

It was a pretty good cloud cover, but did not last after we passed over the Smokies.  The clouds broke up just in time and the mountains lived up to their name and majesty.  I've been there once and want to go back before it's all over........just unbelievable photo ops there.

Just remember that these photos will become much sharper when you double click each one.  The mountains themselves show in what I hope is an artistic rendition.

That was pretty much the travel time spent on this last trip.  I won't bore you with family goof photos, Wriggly Field, or other sites of Chi-town, like the big peanut.  Time to get back to work.  Remember, Christmas is coming and God forbid you want to buy something.  So give me a little lead time.

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