Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2 19 13

In the "Idiots run amok" category.  Homeland Security set to go ahead with plans to use drones for domestic security.  So the eye in the sky is going to be watching.  And when they put infra-red on those things there won't be a bathroom in Amurica (a little red neck lingo there) safe.  I am trying really hard not to make this blog too political.  But it is very trying to do so!

I did get to spend a couple of hours on the River Walk yesterday.  Some repairs being made and some new picnic tables installed.  On one of the sections they put in three new tables on a embankment which must have been over 45 degrees.  I understand it is being made to be wheel chair accessible.  OK, call me skeptical but a wheel chair on a fifty or so degree hill above a river?....Can anybody say "Roller Coaster" or maybe more appropriate "Water Plume" ride.  Maybe cynical is more the appropriate word. 

I have no idea why I am so attracted to the shadows on the walk, but this underpass gets me every time.  And it is one of only a few spots on the entire three or so miles where you can get in out of the rain.

Saw the first "Blood Root" blooms as well.  These little spring flowers are found only in one small part of the entire walk.  A woodland wild flower, they are small and delicate.  Along with the dozen and half robins in the front yard this morning convince me that spring is just around the corner and I have better jump start my garden mode.

My little spot in what I call the "Snake Pit" was running full with water coming off the quarry.  This "Slow motion" image was taken from the little bridge crossing said stream.  The snakes do seem to love this spot and I have seen water snakes including a moccasin.  Hence, my name for it.  People down here aren't afraid of the snakes which seem to be more "Around" than not, but I'm still a Yankee and those things just aren't necessary as far as I am concerned.
Finally, I did make a portrait of Sheri's valentines day present and think that I will list it on the web site.  It is pretty, with good lighting and sharp.  Guess that will qualify.  I'll be leaving Thursday for winter in the mid-atlantic.  Want to watch my g-son play hockey before he turns pro in a few years and also want to do some serious shooting.  Keep the light on for me!


  1. Have a great trip. But, tell me, what is more mid-Atlantic than S.C.?

  2. Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. I think!
