Sunday, February 3, 2013

2 3 13

A big Sunday for the Harbaugh's, as the brothers take the field in the modern day interpretation of the Lions Vs. the Christians.  You know all that competition way back when, in the Coliseum, in Rome.  Only difference here is that we don't have the judge in the stands deciding who dies and who lives.  Here it's just football's biggest trophy at stake and not some lion's dinner.  The Raven will eat well tonight, or so the thought goes.
It is funny (not ha ha type) how when everything changes, every things remains the same.  Generally, the Lions won and the Christians got the crap beat out of them.  Sort of like our politicians.  They win regardless of who we elect and we get the leavings.  Or that last item you bought at Tar-jjjay.  You know the one that either broke after ten minutes of use or maybe didn't work at all once you got it home.  Same concept really...somebody won and you lost!
It really is too bad the game couldn't end in a tie.  But you know that won't happen...even if we have to go into overtime number 14 at quarter to one tomorrow morning. 
Then, just to keep this entry really trite, there are the TV commercials.  I thought that I might buy one, but couldn't come up with the 69 million bucks for 30 seconds.  Titillating number what?  If I did though, what would I say?  Have a bunch of half nekid girls running around with guys in tighty whiteys sceaming about my site on Fine Art America.  Not very catchy!  I need some little critter like a lizard with an English accent. 
 Hey, how about "Panache"?  Give him an Aussie voice over than nobody north of Anartica can understand and it's done. 
A whole new icon born there.
Have a super, super-Sunday.
  God, I have using that wine-sipping word "Super".  Unless it's spelled with another p and then it has a whole different connotation.  But as it stands --- it is so elitist. And why do we have to call it the "Super" bowl anyway.  Why not extraordinary or excellence bowl.  Or the "I kicked the crap out of you--now live with it" bowl.  Just not enough critical thinking in the world today.

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