Friday, January 3, 2014

03 January 2014

28 Degrees here in Shangra La South!

  Hey all you snowbirds from the north, we do get cold once in awhile.  I mean we're just not sunshine, beaches and emerald golf greens.  We got substance too!

It'll probably warn up later.  We even had some
snow a couple of years ago, but not much and not lasting.  One didn't even half to get out the colored golf balls.  

I posted some new images on the site yesterday and will do so again today, so check in and browse.  We had about 1200 visitors yesterday, which is a pretty fair showing and I think I added ten new images.

Too cold to walk today so it looks like desk work is the order of things to come for this guy.  And what can I write about that.  Cluttered desk, back talk from half of the work force (the ones with feathers), and after being given their morning gruel the other half is sound asleep!

For all of my friends on the northern corridor of the Blue Hair Highway, all I can say is think beach!


  1. Liked what I saw when Carol Kelly posted links. Very artistic! Looking forward to more. Welcome back!
