Thursday, January 16, 2014

16 Jan. 2014


 "A return to a former or less developed state. A return to an earlier stage of life or a supposed previous life, esp. through hypnosis or mental illness, or as a means of escaping present anxieties!"
I never actually looked that word up in old Websters.  Till now that is.  My last post I included a photo of my fly rod and a sunfish which I caught.  Well, seems to me that I started out my life of pursuing the fishes by catching just that type of fish.  And that's why I think I am regressing.  I mean now that I have earned the right to get my senior citizens discount at the grocery store, I should apply all that experience to higher challenges.  But that seems to be all that I am catching.  No elusive trout, noisy big mouth bass, no more the streamlined landlocked salmon, the iron sided tarpon, drum or bill fish.....Sunfish! I guess that ought to tell me something.  Right?
And let's tear apart that definition, just to be sure.  An earlier stage of life?  Well sure we all seem to remember the stuff....some good, some bad.  Just seems that now those memories become a lot more clear than the reason we just walked into the kitchen, which purpose alludes us.
I guess when I caught that first sunfish, I was former or less developed of myself.  I know I was younger and just a tad more stupid than now!  But then at age 8 or 9 you're kinda expected to act in a less mature way....aren't we?
Hypnosis....nah!  Never has happened.  But I have had some dooseys of dreams in the early morning hours.  And after I wake up wonder where the h... did that come from.  But I am not a big fan of dreams predicting anything, so being hypnotized is unlikely at this point.
Mental illness.......well I leave that up to friends and family to decide.

But, maybe the readers can see something that I can't.  Brings to mind the old joke where an individual was asked "Has there been any problems with mental illness in your family"  Answer...."No we all seem to enjoy it"!  

So that leaves --- Escaping one's anxieties!  Well yeah!  We all do it.  Don't we?  Only seems that I don't have those meaningful past anxieties any more, just a whole set of new ones.  But here's were the neat part comes in.  Because I am a seasoned citizen (note, did not say old), I am expected by one and all to behave in a certain way.  You know sit in a rocking chair in the corner and slurp and drool.

Don't think so!

That old challenge is still there!

Frankly, I don't know where all this blather came from today!

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