Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another 29th of the Tenth month of the year of the OP

Three miles today

I decided to go over the the Columbia side of the Broad River for my walk today and did three miles. Longest walk since my operation and it is getting easier.

I wanted to see how the colors were progressing and it seems as tho we are not quite there yet, or it's all over. Hard to tell which.

You can see from the photos that this side of the river is quite different than our side. Despite more people and being heavier travelled, I saw a doe munching her way along the opposite side of the canal. Also got a fairly close shot of a brown thrasher (bird not shark) and a cat bird. So, you take what they give ya.

I did see a sight which concerned me. A young, early twenty's type girl (very pretty) came strolling along. Wearing very tight shorts and top and bopping to her iPod. Now this is a major metropolitan area with it share of crime and scum buckets that frequent the public areas. There was a time, I think I remember, when such a sight was important to me but I can't remember why. I can only imagine what some of those younger homeless guys were thinking of doing. Parents and Grandparents get up with your kids and tell them about the world they have to deal with! Ok, nuf soapbox!

Beautiful morning with the sun finally coming out and the cloud front moving eastward. Nice time to be alive.

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