Wednesday, September 26, 2012

9 26 12

The images here in are some that I have captured elsewhere on the web just to help prove a point.
I thank those artists in advance for the use of their work.
The lame stream news jerks seems to be having the newest "Mediagasm" over the strike in the NFL.  Even comparing the circumstances to those in Wisconsin earlier in the year....given unions and such vs. the managing elite.  I am not even going to discuss the merits or lack thereof....of the positions of either side.  That is not the point of this.
I feel sorry for the replacement guys....they don't have the expertise, training or experience to do that job but certainly take the heat for what they do.
Now I like football, don't get me wrong, and I even played some schoolyard touch way back when.  You know skins and shirts stuff.  Or was that basketball?  But I must admit that I do enjoy college sports better than the pros.  They still have a little old school Rah Rah stuff left in them, even if it is only so they can eventually go into the pros.
 This rant is not about the game so much as it is about people's reaction to things.
  It seems the most of the pundits, writers, news casters, talk showists, talking heads, news babes, and the rest of the elitists in the media are up in arms about the striking refs in the NFL.  And most of the ones making the most noise are not sports casters.  So what the hell do they know?  It apparently is the new and most important, to our lives, topic of the day.
The answer to that, in my humble opinion is distraction.  But then I would be called cynical....Think?  Actually, I am not so humble.  I don't want to argue or discuss this with any of my liberal friends.  I'm're wrong.  End of discussion.
Our people across the world are being attacked by lunatics and all people can talk about is the NFL?
  Come on people where are your priorities?

Should we maybe get a little outraged about this?  Think about changing things up?   Or do we talk about it for a weekend and then...well it passes into oblivion on the news room floor.  And our leaders are reluctant to call it what it is.  Maybe I should have said "Our Leader".  Misnomer!
 Where is the outrage?
  Dammit people it's your flag.
  Your countrymen murdered!
And then there is our leadership.

There is something about the "Constitution" thingy that says that the Senate must pass a budget every year.
  Every year.
  Nasty thing that! 
Gets in the way of all kinds of progressive thinking!
They certainly give one a sense of confidence.  Doesn't it?
Come on people get it right!


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