Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12 12 12

The date alone, 12 12 12, suggests a day within that won't get repeated for a while.  I had the opportunity to visit our local "Old" waterworks building a day or so ago.  Another of my walks for health and the acquisition of bits and pieces of random and probably useless information.  There are a couple of things about Americana that seem to set a tone of some kind.  Rust and cracked paint!  Add ambiance, feeling, nostalgia and more bits of fiction and fact of garbage knowledge from my almanac.
Within this tourist trap of information lie a number of artsy angles, colors, shapes and history.
The American Gauge Company for instance.  No, I didnt' google it...I leave that chore to you but needless to say this is a collectible image. 

It tugs on a number of heart strings.  First and foremost is rust!  Industrial!  Gauges!  Lines!  And a scroll for God's sake in an industrial plant?  And finally, cracked paint.  It just doesn't get any better than that.

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