Wednesday, December 26, 2012

12 26 12

This is the traditional morning after the morning before blog.  Or the day after Christmas.  I finished a five day power trip to Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania on the 24th and was home just in time for family Christmas eve events here in SC.  I have to admit that the thousand mile rounder is a little tedious......but worth it.  Maybe next time I'll look into a train ride, which might make an interesting adventure to report here but we'll to see about that.
In Pennsylvania!
One of the advantages of being behind the camera is that you never have to be seen in these obligatory images.  Son [in dark shirt], daughter to the right, son-in-law in red shirt, daughter in law standing.  The rest are the grands....three girls left and son saddled with carrying on the family name.  Great meal and great togetherness, of which I do not get enough.  Love them all beyond reason and don't tell them that enough.
The family cats could have cared less about what was going on...they literally are fat, dumb and happy.

Speaking of dumb and happy....back in South Carolina, McGee just wants to be fed and kept warm.  Presents hold his interest for about thirty seconds.  But mention a cookie and look out!

Missy is our performer and cannot wait to open presents.  It is truly amazing that for two weeks, presents sat under the tree and she didn't touch them.  But on Christmas morning........she knows!  Somehow she KNOWS!
She is the opener of all things wrapped and wears herself out doing just that.
Ready to go for the next one.
It's her job..........once a year!
Sheri and Chrissy admire a photograph framed in a Victorian antique frame while surveying Missy's handiwork.
OK, so most of the photos were about toys, pets and family. But we all know the real reason for the season called CHRISTmas and I did get a chance to read the bible last it has been a blessed holiday.
Can't wait to see what Missy does for New Years Eve!


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