Friday, January 23, 2009

23 rd day of the year of the owl pellett

OK, my brain is about to explode. See the top picture! While it is actually a sumac tree in fall colors taken with a moving zoom lens, it's like my brain on political steroids. Congress is about to approve a proven tax dodger who has behaved in a dishonest manner to head the IRS! Only in America. What is wrong with people to allow their government to do something as boneheaded as this. Or do we just not care? Probably! No wonder congress (with a small c) has an approval rating under 10%. That means that 90% DO NOT APPROVE. But what are we doing about it? End of Rant.

Cold this morning, around 29 degrees but sunny and will probably get to somewhere near sixty. Been stuck working on the files, the pages, the photos and not able to get out and walk/and or photograph. Perhaps this afternoon. I have also been baby sitting my neighbor's new pet. Her name is Gracie Belle. Now is that southern or what! Fun dog that will eat them out of house and home within a year. She is just a puppy with big feet, and you know what that means. Eats two cups of dry dog food and a can of cat food (she's as screwed up as we are) every day. She's going to be huge but is fun to play with now, and will probably have me for lunch within a year.

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty boxer! One of our girls is a Gracie too, Gracie Mae. Our kitty is Tessa Belle :)
