Monday, January 19, 2009

The nineteenth day of the year of the owl pellett

Well we had the first photographic adventure of the year on Saturday. In the profession we call it a "shoot", but I prefer adventure. I was asked to get some images of places in and around of Lake City, South Carolina. Specifically the shots were for an article about an infamous serial killer who reputedly murdered over a hundred souls during his life. He was born around 1933 and left the stage in 1991 by execution. "Pee Wee" Gaskins (Donald) was the guy who was seen around town driving a black hearse and evidently quietly killing for sport and recreation. His childhood was marked by an unmarried mother who entertained her boyfriends and who in turn molested the boy. From early childhood on he preyed on young girls and some boys. When in prison, he was a sexual target due to his diminutive size. After being raped in jail many times, he supposedly decided the only way to gain respect was to kill the strongest guy there. This he did and the rapes stopped.

The pictures here are of the place where he was reputed to hang out called Sam's place. A bar then and junk shop now. The cemetery of his name is in the area around Leo,SC, but does not house his remains. He evidently wanted his ashes to be spread over an area called the "Neck" where he was fond of burying his victims. What a guy! I could not find that location. The house where it is thought he grew up is included, but cannot begin to show the desolation of the area where he perpetrated his crimes. A more full story can be found at

Thirty five degrees this morning and the RW was almost deserted at nine o'clock and was a little icy underfoot. Tomorrow, snow is expected and maybe another adventure on the RW. We'll just have to see.

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