Saturday, January 3, 2009

A hearty welcome to 2009

And a welcome to my customers, colleagues, and friends to what I hope will be some intuitive dialogue regarding our photography. Yes, this is another photography blog! This is our place to rant! Primarily about photography, but not necessarily excluding economics, politics, joy, disgust, achievements, and any other stuff we want to kick around. And since it's my blog, I get to do the majority of the kicking.

On January 1 the first image of the year I made was of an owl pellet. For you urban buffs, this is the remains of the owls dinner regurgitated after digestion of the juicy parts has occurred. I guess if I were in China, this would mean that 2009 will be "The Year of the Owl Pellet". That is if you're into omens. I am not however, of the opinion that the omen would suggest that 2009 will be crappy! But rather, the sustenance of a majestic bird occurred to the detriment of a lowly field mouse. It's called nature folks. The mouse had to deal with the cards which he/she was dealt and we selling photographers have to do the same thing. Note that I said "Selling photographers". I will be operating this blog as if it is they I address, but I will also hope to make it fun for all readers. You will also note that I tend to be irreverent and sarcastic at times, but as an idol of mine says "I am just a loveable old fuzzball", so enjoy!

The economy? Well they tell us it's bad and has been for eight years. So much for media accuracy! But we have to look at 2009 as a year of opportunity with simply a different set of operating parameters. I participated in two art shows late last year during the midst of a "Reputed" unprecedented economic decline. Scared to death that I wouldn't even make expenses. I did rather well. Even a blind hog finds an acorn once in awhile. So people will still spend if, and it's a capital IF, the product is of quality and the sale is structured to fit a need under the current circumstances. That's a mouth full! It takes into consideration such important points as quality, needs, and economic circumstances.

All those things we learned in Sales 101, glossed over, and forgotten. Now in difficult economic times, it's back to the basics. Review and do! That's how I am going to treat 2009. Last year I did only two art shows down from 16 the previous year and it's a good thing. Costs were up and sales were down. I sold more to publishers, but they too are buying less. But it cost me less.

Re-tool to work under these conditions and try to increase the volume of customer contacts and service. That is what will pay off in the long run.

As selling photographers, we need to recognize that the objective is to sell and not pump up our egos about nice photos. A perfect example of fitting the need in an adverse market was displayed last year in November at the Easton Waterfowl Festival in Easton, MD. The photo which won the best in show was fantastic. Normally at that show, the best in show image sells right away. Not this time. It was priced too high for the conditions of the market. People wanted memento pictures from the show AND/OR images which were priced right as Christmas gifts. That meant the lower tier of photographs sold better and the middle high, end which was neglected. The best in show image was priced around $500 and didn't sell. It probably would have if it was priced it at $200 (taking a loss) or $1500 which might have seemed outrageous to the artist. However, if you're not selling at five hundred you might as well not sell at fifteen hundred. Talk about an ego buster, but what the heck! And maybe you will get lucky. Because the other side of the blind hog story is that either you're the hog or the acorn. The bug or the windshield! We have to make that acorn stand out so the hog can stumble over it. Kinda takes the luck option out of the equation.

Nuff rambling! I do think that 2009 will not be the disaster that the doom sayer's hope for but rather something far better. Our prices will have to be a little lower, product packaged more attractively, sales efforts pumped up, and the old adage about the customer always having the right to be right. We have to work for the sale and as such it should be a fun 2009.
The first photo on this blog therefore is a pile of "Stuff". Trust me, they will get better!
If any of the ornithological publishers out there are interested in this image please contact me for a really good deal on this particular pile of "Stuff"

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