Monday, May 7, 2012

The 7th of the 5th


As most of my readers are very astute and have great memories, it will come to no one's surprise when I say that I live in a kennel.  Or a facsimile of such.  Two dogs and two enough.

Well, we have a new "Garage Kitten". 

It showed up over the week end and will not leave.  Of course I don't know what one would expect when food and drink is left on the floor, because the poor thing just looks so miserable.  Jeeeeeeeez.

If anyone in the neighborhood recognizes this mutt....please come and pick it up before it has kittens itself.  I suspect that's the plan.  Nice warm, protected and now humans actually feed me.  So where else would I drop my kids off to play?  Has anyone else ever heard of the phrase..."Burlap bag, a brick and the river"?

I guess I am just kidding.  I wouldn't do that.  But the next time the bird craps on my shoulder, I will give it some thought.

On top of that it is a totally black cat.  Now I know where all my luck is coming from lately.  Memo to self, don't bother with the Lottery this week.

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