Sunday, January 6, 2013

1 6 13

And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
I hope the he feels that working on the puter, creating new artwork to list, and finding other ways to market are not work.  I do feel blessed that all that stuff seems to me to be play and so hence is "Rest".
Yesterday, as noted in yesterday's blog, we denuded the house and grounds of Christmas 2012.  These are the light cords from the outside tree.  Neat huh?  This year I was determined to put them away in such a fashion that next year they would be in order and easy to untangle. 
My battle with the underworld of electric cords and hoses continues....I think I have won this one.
Starting with a piece of a box from Christmas deliveries with a cut at each mark left and right. 
Said cords were carefully wrapped.  There is an [X] placed at the end which must come off first.
Is that anal or what?  Victory is so sweet!
The branches of the tree itself endured my rendition of the chain saw massacre and are now drying on the wood pile along with the main section cut in firewood lengths.  And all this only took me some sixty years to learn.
On to the back yard.  If anyone of my nearest friends on this blog are thinking of going southern in their backyards by adding a Catawba tree............give it serious second thoughts.  Yes, the worms or caterpillars or whatever they are that come off the thing make great bait for fishing.  but the leaves and seed pods will drive you absolutely nuts.  This only took seven years for me to learn.  See you can teach an old dog new tricks .... especially if he's real old.
That really isn't a muskrat den piled up in the middle, although for those of you with a public does look like one.  No that's a pile of pine needles and Catawba stuff.   I did use it as mulch but don't tell Sheri.  She thinks that the only much in the world comes from Lowes at $10.95 a bag.  But we x farm boys know different.  The Apocalypse garden and pots are waiting the first robins coming north from Florida as a sign to begin planting.  But all the browns and greys tell you that we are looking at South Carolina winter....kinda dreary right now.
The place does clean up right well tho!
That was right tiring, maybe God is right and I should rest today.  I think that Seattle plays a football game against someone and maybe I'll take that in.  Just sit back and watch my belly grow!

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