Saturday, March 23, 2013

3 23 13

Cold and raining today, so there go the best laid plans for the day.  I was going to a old car rally but no need to photograph cars with water on them and I am guessing the people won't take them out of the garage anyway.  Certainly can't go to the beach in this weather.  Fishing in the river sounds like more exercise than I want to exert. 
Might go to Wally's world and get some new underwear.  Yep, for stuff like that I shop at Walmart (Gasp).  At my age why buy all that overpriced stuff that the clothing manufactures tout on billboards with half nekid men that I will never look like.  Besides, also at my age, nobody wants to see my under garments any way.  I think this current bunch has lasted four years.  Let's see that's four pair of tighty whiteys at $14.  365 days a year at 14 hours a day (yeah, I don't sleep in em) makes 5,110 hours for all four total or 1288 hours per pair.  That comes to a rental price of .011 cents per hour.  Hey Jack, that's the real deal.
Playing with a couple of new photo alternatives for people to hang somewhere.  My stuff has graduated and is not just suitable of bathrooms and the backs of closets.  All you photoshop buffs out there have to consider that I will not pay huge prices for photo manipulation programs.  If I did the same analysis with my photos as I did with the underwear, the result would be just as cheap on an hourly basis.  So sophistication on my part is pretty rudimentary. 
I am laying a simple mask over some of my Washington, DC images.  It just lends a new look and is nothing fancy.  I will hold back the original images that may become worth something when and if some crazy terrorist blows the place up.  God forbid.  And if any Whacadoo reading this does do something like blow up a monument............I will personally come after you.  Maybe on my motorized wheel chair, but I will come after you!  And the chair will be armed!
My favorite President who not only lived through the Civil War, but is also living through the liberal press of today.
I'll be posting these later today along with a few others.
  Have a great weekend wherever you are Miss Jeanne!

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