Sunday, March 24, 2013

3 24 13

Well, thank you Lord.
  The feet hit the floor again this morning and for that I am appreciative.  It is however the second day of the current monsoon!  But I understand that the Nor East is in for some snow over the next couple of days.  Sorry, but you all need to go and choke that critter from Punxsutawney cause he lied Jack!  I was going to a car show out to Fuddruckers parking lot yesterday, but the rain killed that idea.  Then I was going to work on the fence....same rain.  I just have no idea what to do with myself.  If you don't know what a Fuddruckers is, google it!  Or better yet haul on over and buy a burger.  If you find one where the govt. will allow you to have one medium rare, let me know.  Talk about Nanny state.

I sold an up close and personal image of this cat last night.  The image sold was a closer crop and a 24x36 which is nice.  I am glad to see larger pieces going out.  Warms my heart and I am so appreciative!
It is funny, in an odd sort of way, when I watch all the images sold on FAA each day how often topics seem to group on any certain day.  Not the same buyers but often the same topic.  I think that three or four tigers sold last night.  All to different people.   The day before it may have been beach scenes, lighthouses, mechanical things, elephants or butterflies.  Just strange and I wish I knew what drove that phenomena.  But, it's all good.
I added some new images yesterday and will be doing more today.  So do drop in and stay a spell. I have over 1540 images posted so you can spend a little more than 30 seconds looking around.  Pass the word to your friends about the website and this blog.  As you know from yesterday's blog I need to reload on some vital clothing and I am down to purchasing at the Walmart level.  Nother couple months of this economy I'll be down to the "Not so nearly new shop buying T shirts at $.75 each.
  Actually if you wash them in a Tide and double Clorox mix they become nearly presentable.............Well, at least the smell is gone.
Love ya all and have a great day Mr. Fran.

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