Thursday, August 1, 2013

1 AUG 2013

August one?  God the way time flies, I'm going to be ninety before September one.  Yesterday I took a half day off from the computer and home chores.  Did some photographic free styling.  That is went out and took pictures of anything that popped up or struck my fancy.  I love doing things this way.  Get in the car and go.  Or on the RW and go.

If you every want to get some fog in your photos, simply take the camera out of the AC and go outside.  The lens fogs up instantly.  When will I ever learn?

I decided to hit the new River Walk section first and I guess it was about a mile out and back, maybe three quarters.  The camera finally warmed up enough to keep the lens clear.

A little better.

The new walk ends at a boat ramp and huge parking lot.  Never have seen many cars or trucks there but the ramp is pretty good and when there is enough water it's a piece of cake putting in a boat.

It's pretty heavily wood along this stretch and I actually did a couple of tree knocks, just to hedge my bet.  I mean you just never know where you're going to find a Sasquatch, do ya?  

Nope, none responded but I did hear something over a little ridge off the walk that seemed to be following me.  Honest!  For the time being all bets are off and I will continue to keep an open mind!  Hope that series comes back on TV.

After putting my legs and feet to the test along this walk I went back to the original and put in another couple of hours.  But along the way, I had to stop and make an image of this door.

OK, the cool things about this antiquity is that nothing is level for the most part.  First rule of photography.....get your horizons level to the eye.  It is just amazing to me when I look at a professional sight such as FAA that so many photographers, or painters for that matter, never seem to get the horizon level.  Well, we all can't be as perfect as I.  And when I become King.....look out!

Anyway, look at the curb Vs. the door jam.  Door jam is level.  Curb isn't.  What do you go for?  And then look at the canopy.  Man that thing is all askew!  I guess you do what I did and make the largest object, the door, appear level.  Windows then become level as well. 

Back on the main walk I came across a section of the river where small eddies against the bank were causing little whirl pools.  Pretty cool and I managed to actually get one that was in focus.  Small wonders never cease to amaze me.  Geez, today is Thursday to boot.  That camel never came by my desk yesterday!  So happy post Hump Day!

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