Friday, August 16, 2013

16 AUGUST 2013

Getting some rain again this morning and the temps are still strangely low for August, but who am I to complain about that.  Normally in August we're over a hundred most of the time and even my thin blood is "Happy, happy, happy".   And yes I did watch the first show of Duck Dynasty on Wednesday and I am clinging to my guns and Bible too.

I have spent most of the week editing and posting new stuff to the web site and some of it is getting nice reviews and that's a good thing.  The above is Montauk Point Lighthouse in black and white.  There are two of this image on the site now, full color and sepia tone.  I also like the BnW, so will probably list is as well.

I have this fear that I am becoming the neighborhood go-to curmudgeon.  I am collecting mail for my next door bud who travels most of the week in his job.  I mean it's no big thing.  But I have picked up the responsibility of feeding another neighbor's cat while they are away for the week.  

Kiki, I mean how original is that?

  It's a nice cat but if I could train it to chase squirrels maybe it might contribute something worthwhile to society and earn it's keep.  As it is, it just comes over when I am grilling looking for handouts.  Lays on its back and purrs.  Of course who can resist that?  He/she prefers chicken and will turn it's nose up to steak or fish.

  Cats!  The dogs will eat corncob if they can get close enough, but a cat......well they're a different matter.  So off in the rain with my bumper shoot (that's umbrella for those uneducated amongst us) to feed this thing this morning.  In the middle of writing this creative piece of art... out in the rain, feed the cat, feed the dogs yell shut up at the birds and that's my morning so far.  Second cup of Pike Place just adds some more juice to my already stoked up blood.

The umbrella and the rain reminded me of a time in another century, in another world when I actually had a job that paid a salary.  New York City in the rain is huge umbrella bumper cars olympics.  You remember bumper cars don't you?  People there do power walks from place to place.  Hurrying from meeting to meeting where not much gets done but the face time is great.  Then back to the little cubicle to plan the next political attack on some rung of the ladder just above. But seeing all those black mushrooms scrambling about is just a trip.  I wish I had the opportunity to do a photographic study of that banging about.  And that brings to mind the street vendors.  It doesn't take twelve teen drops of rain to fall and these characters have brought out the umbrellas to sell.  Where do they get them so fast?  Talk about hustle!  Those guys adapt faster than catfish in the mud.

  Yeah, I know I am complaining but hey what else can I do at this hour.  Gives me something to write about.  Actually, I guess I do enjoy taking care of the animals but don't tell Missy.  She's enough of a suck up already.

On top of everything else, they tell me the spell check does'nt suffer!

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