Friday, July 19, 2013

19 July 2013


I just saw somebody on facebook say that,  and my immediate reaction was "It's Friday"?  What ever happened to June?

It seems to me that when one has a commute to work each day to his/her place of business, it is much easier to keep track of time.  My commute is longer depending whether I am coming to work from the kitchen or the bedroom.  If the dogs haven't been fed then traffic can be bad, but normally it's not too tough.
  You real commuters have the advantage of your black berries, blue berries, newspapers, strawberry's, train schedules, radios, subway schedules and all that just to move you to that point were you can tell your co-workers...."Hey thank God it's Friday".  I remember those days, I really do!

They used to call it "The rat race".  That is going to work.  Working at work.  Doing deals.  Getting back home. I wondered where that term came from.  Wikipedia, that place for truth or as close as they can get it to, tells me there was a movie of that name sometime in the sixties.  They also say the definition of the term is;

rat race 
is an endless, self-defeating pursuit.

I guess the guy on the ground at the back of the pack would agree with that.  But the last horse in the race is actually free! Free I say, and it's only Friday.  Of course, he's really not free.  Somebody will catch up with him and put him in his nice safe stall.  But for the moment he's free.  Except for that thing that's dangling from his back and scaring the bejesus out of him.  If you could see his eyes you'd see the fright.  Maybe we have stuff from the week that is still back there scaring the bejesus out of us too and it's not TGIF after all.  Huuum? Nah, it's Friday Jack!  Have a great week end!

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