Wednesday, July 3, 2013

JULY 3 2013


I guess it's sorta like--- Why does the toast always land butter side down?  I do keep the kitchen clean floor clean enough for the five second rule to be reasonably acceptable....But why?  It just as easily could have gone the other way.

Or when you're in a hurry to get out the door for an appointment and the stupid dog has to go out? Didn't want to back when I asked him to go and now I'll be rushed waiting for the duty to be done.

Or when first thing in the morning before the Starbucks has even perked she says the dog pee-d somewhere and it's all your fault.  Just imponderable how that is!  I mean, I didn't hold and aim it for him!

Or my flat bed scanner has a place where I can ask for dust reduction!  Huh!  Dust reduction?  Some geek type with a pocket full of pencils and a slide rule hanging from his/her belt sat in a cubicle somewhere, sometime ago and figured out how to tell a scanner to eliminate dust from the work it was copying.  BTW if you youngsters don't know what a slide rule is, google it.  I never was able to master the thing.

Or when you are farming 2,000 acres that look as flat as a pool table...why in the world do you leave one tree right in the middle of the place untouched.

What was the reasoning all those hundred years ago when, before the slide rule even, the farmer decided to leave this beautiful old sycamore for eternity to see?  The base chocked with poison ivy and the limbs now bereft of life.  Did those original agriculturists have an eye for art.  Or was it the tree where the community hung that dirty, two timing skunk of a horse thief?  And it was left in glorious remembrance.  Maybe the farmers wife all those years ago used it to anchor the cloths line.  But then some witness to the existence of a house foundation should be apparent. 

Or maybe the horse died before they could get to removing it.  Who knows, but I for one am glad that farmers do leave an anchor point in a field or two just so we outlanders can ponder the imponderables.


  1. Or maybe no one wanted to tackle the poison ivy at the base. My father made the mistake of clearing a field next to our house that had included poison oak. Then, he and the neighbor who helped decided to burn the limbs and leaves. Big mistake! Dad's face swelled horribly after saturation with the smoke. Maybe a similar event occurred in your field.

  2. Would not surprise me. And back when these fields were cleared, there were not the medicines to control the effects of the nasty ivy!
