Sunday, July 21, 2013

21 JULY 2013


Never having been on the Pacific, I guess that my experience with the above topic is like a one legged man running a 100 yard dash!  As I get older I question whether I ever HAVE to see it.  I mean it's big, blue, wet and some day might end up in Arizona!

  But the Atlantic, now there's an ocean for ya!  It's big, blue, wet and here recently tried to end up in Trenton, New Jersey.  During Sandy, that is.  So, probably not all that different but the whack-a-doodles that live in California would dispute that.  Don't get me wrong, we have our share of wackoes (or is that spelled whackos?) here.   There is nothing to them like the Pacific.  Me, I'll take the one to my right when I am looking at my beloved New Hampshire from here in the south where everybody goes to retire. 

I saw a thing on line the other day about how the south is so great because nobody goes north to retire.  I think I would, but maybe only for Sept. and Oct. and then off to sunnier climes.  The old blood can't take temperatures much below sixty degrees for too long any more.  Always made fun (bless her) of my mother for having the heat on and a sweater in August.  For all you young critters out there, you have that to look forward to.

Even from atop a lighthouse, the Atlantic can look pretty awesome.  This storm off shore of the Hereford Inlet in New Jersey.

Seems the old Atlantic gets pretty clear, clean and blue the farther you go away from the middle of the coast where all the people live.  Says something about the way we live, but this shot is about as far north as you can get in the good old US of A.  Not far from the Canadian border the water is clear and cold at the West Quoddy lighthouse on Maine's rocky coast.

She can get pretty nasty too.  This fisherman on North Carolina's Outer Banks at Cape Point on Hatteras.  And yes those waves are like that pretty much most of the time as two major currents meet at the point creating the cone like waves crashing on an ever changing beach.

Now that's more like it.  A calm day with a great sky slow, low rolling surf.  A sure of fine sand held together with palms and pines.  Water in the 80's eight months out of the year.  This is South Carolina's Hunting Island beach and state park.  A little known (by northern standards) beautiful park that does not get over used other than during July and August.

And watching another day begin.  Thank you Lord for putting my feet on the floor for another day!  Watching the sun come up in Florida's Hammock beach.  

Yeah, I'll take the Atlantic.  It provides good places to go.  Good food to eat.  Good fun to be had with friends and family.  And I don't have to get on an airplane to enjoy it.  Bless ya all and have another day to enjoy!

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