Friday, October 4, 2013


I feel like it's 30 years ago. 

 No, not wandering around in my thready memory or regressing into some sort of middle age childhood.  No!  I attended two meetings!  MEETINGS I tell you! You know...with other people present.  And where I had to add something cogent and speak with some kind of voice that sounded unlike Uncle Si, but rather someone who actually knew what he was talking about.  God, the stress!

The first was an artist's meeting with the town's mayor and others trying to promote the town by highlighting the activities of local artists.  OK, I'm down for that as it gets our name out there in the hopes of bringing more warm bodies with money into the community.  I get it.  And am appreciative of any and all activities in that regard.  And will participate with vigor and actual fondness for what we will be doing.  

The second was a one hour webinar supposedly teaching me how to use Pinterest to sucker you poor folks into buying something from the website.  Please note the link and the crass commercial moment there.

In the cool stuff category today..............

But, here's a kick!  Got a water tower?  Old rusty, crumbly thing, hanging out there on the edge of town surrounded by empty beer cans and used personal hygiene products.  You know the image.  A spot for local teenagers to prove their manhood by climbing just to show off to the girls and exercise the local emergency management people.  Probably you wish they could arrange for a hurricane or twister to remove the old eyesore!  

Well, here's an answer to all our wishes!  Paint the @%$@$#^% thing and use it to advertise your community.  Beautification they call it!  Advertising they might call it.  Promotion it might be called.  Net could improve the look of the community.  Throw in a donation to a needy cause as part of the painting promotion and you have a pretty neat project.  And to top it all off you and I can actually own part of the mural.  How sweet is that.


I urge you to go the this website and donate. (note this NSA and IRS) Your donation will probably be tax deductible and for a mere quarter century you can own a two foot square part of the mural.  

And if you have any friends who are Clemson fans.....Buy em one too!  Doing so could be your best practical joke of the year!

Be a part of recordable history.  And you don't have to wait till you die to do so.  OH, and by the way the photo above is not of the one their going to paint.  It's somebody else's wreck I captured along the Country Roads

Some bullets!

88 Foot tower
10,000 virtual squares available
Each 2 foot square can provide 25 meals to Harvest Hope Food Bank
All squares must be funded by Nov.1
Eric Henn, a nationally known mural artist will paint

So please go to the website,  blow the moths off your wallet and help out.  It's a good cause on so many levels.

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