Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Two Oct 13

You know it's fall when----

It's sixty degrees here in the south at seven in the morning.  But still going to mid 80's later.  

But elsewhere pumpkins are in the air and every drug store is selling Marigolds.  Used to be you went to a drug store to get what .....wait for it......drugs.  Now they're supermarkets.  Oh well it's progress.

  I often wonder what our founders would say if they just had a chance to ride in a car to a mall.  Even old Ben Franklin would be amazed.  And he almost became a crispy critter when he flew that kite.  He didn't listen to his Mom either.  "Ben don't go's raining!" "And put your boots on."  "Don't stand under any trees....there's lightning!" Kids, they never listen.

I love fall or autumn.  But then again at my age I love any season change.  But fall kinda gets the old juices flowing.  Lower temperatures.  Less humidity.  Great sunsets.  Prospects of going out in the woods as a hunter gatherer (hunting, that is for you of public educations, with a weapon...gasp).  Sneaking into the woods, simulating a bushel of apples, in search of a deer to harvest.  Now it's with a camera and not a weapon.  Watching a flock of wild turkeys feeding on acorns.  Over zealous home owners decorating for Halloween.  I used to love that holiday, till I got arrested on mischief night.  Well not really, but probably should have been.  AND, that's another story for another time and another place.

 A couple of additions to the "The Galleries".  Please note a new gallery called Country Roads.  Some images have been added and there will be more as we move on.  Please note the links in the blog upon which you can click upon for a crass commercial moment.

Chow! (little European lingo there) and enjoy the day.

  Mike, Mike, Mike what day is it?

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